Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas in Tucson: Take 4

After we opened presents at the cousin's house, we went back to Papa & Ahwee's to rest for a little bit.  Trevin decided to write some thank you letters to Santa.
It was time to head over to Aunt Chris and Uncle Dale's for Christmas dinner.  Katie was perfecting her cookie place settings and Trevin was all to happy to help supervise the project.
"That's me! T-R-E-V-I-N"
 I had come down with a cold and didn't want to pass any germs to Baby Bennett.  It took ALL my will power not to hold him.  He is just the cutest little thing!  So I settled with taking pictures of him from afar.
Baby Bennett in a box
 My cousin's son Gunnarr loved the camera!  He would come right up to me, wait for me to take his picture, then make a grunting noise until I showed him the picture.  He would then grin from ear to ear.
A GG, a Marissa, and an Uncle Fred
A Ben and a Ryden.  Always hangin' out
Love this pic of Jason and GG
I loved with Bennett would smile but still hold his paci in his mouth.  You can see the smirk.. 
 Does this bow make me look drunk?
Photo bomb from Uncle D
Holiday people...
 It's safe to say that Trevin liked his cupcake blanket from Fred, Suzanne and Marissa
 ..and he loves Auntie Katie
 ..and Cupcake
 I do believe this sign should be hanging in Trevin's room
Jason was a Bennett hog.  I look over and grabbed my camera when I saw the two of them...
Just darling...
Don't get any ideas...
Bennett got a bear from Pa like the rest of the cousins did a couple years ago.
 When asked what he wanted for Christmas from his Secret Santa, Pa said "Whirled Peas".  I was his Secret Santa so I gave him what he asked for.  (It is a cook book titled 'Whirled Peas'.  Recipes you can make using peas)
 Dinner time!
The trip went by so fast.  The next day we packed up and headed out...It's time to goooo...the party's overrrr! (Nice face Ry)
 My sister put it perfectly.  My kids are livin' the life.  But so are we.  So blessed.  Thanks Cody, for that awesome reminder.  Happy Holiday everyone!