Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Ryden had his last game of the season on Saturday.  Although he didn't score any points this season, he sure did give it his all.  The team usually warmed up for a little bit and then started a game.  He was so good at warm up time.  He would make every single basket from any distance.
But when it came to game time, he would hustle and run his little heart out...but was never super aggressive towards defense or getting the ball.
Number 33!!
When he did have the ball, he was great about passing it to an open teammate.  
 I feel like he was just starting to get the hang of it and now the season is over.  I guess practice makes perfect.
 It also helped to have his homeboy, Miles, on the team.  Goofball.
The best part was the trophy ceremony.  It even had his name on it!  This is the bees knees according to Ryden.
 Great season Black Fire Scorpions!
 Miles and Ryden...homeboys for life!