Saturday, March 28, 2015

Country Western Day

Growing up in Arizona, I know what country western day is all about.  So it was nice that Trevin's preschool had a day to celebrate the west.  I volunteered, so I got to see all the kids participate in the cool activities.
They panned for gold
They milked 'cows' 
They rode ponies
 And got to pet some animals.  Trevin was super excited to chase the goats, ducks, and pigs.
 This goat looks scared to death!  I would be too!
Where can I purchase a duck with an afro?  I need one for a pet asap!
 The kids were not so impressed when they had to stay on the opposite side of the fence to see the alpacas.  Boring!
I dug through my closet and pulled out my best western gear.  Yee haw!  
 All the cute kiddos