Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Hiking" in LA

The day before Jason had to leave to China, we wanted to do something fun and outdoorsy.  My friend Angie and I had went to this cool park a few weeks ago, so I decided to take Jason.  There is a park on top of a hill that overlooks the whole city..and you can even see the Hollywood sign.  There is also a cool little trail that we "hiked" on.
The best part of this trail was the section of workout equipment.  The boys loved working out at each station.
 Each workout area also had some sort of animal that they could climb on.
On to the next workout station...
..and the next animal.
Surfin' USA
Creepy bunny
We went to play on the playground after our leisurely stroll.  Since it was a weekend the park was very crowded.  But no one was on the basketball courts and luckily, Ryden brought his ball.  The hoop was super high but that didn't stop basketball Jones.  He actually made this shot.  He is really good at making shots.  Now if he could be aggressive during games we would have quite the basketball player on our hands.
 We called it a day and headed home.  I believe parks are better on weekdays.  Less people!