Saturday, March 21, 2015

Three Piggy Opera

Ryden's kindergarten class didn't put on a performance for Christmas.  Instead, they did the Three Piggy Opera play.  It was pretty legit.  Each kid had to audition for the parts they wanted and the teacher picked who was the best fit.  Ryden originally wanted to be a brick (part of the brick house), but he got the part of brick pig instead.  Pretty good part if you ask me.
I didn't get any pictures of the actual play because I had to stand on a table in the back to see while holding Trevin.  Danger.  And Jason was busy video taping on his phone.  But they all lined up at the end of the play and we got a group shot.
It really was the cutest little play ever.  All the kids were great!  I knew all the songs by heart since we had been playing the CD over and over so Ryden could learn the words.  So when they asked the audience to sing a long I was all over that!
My little brick pig...