Sunday, March 29, 2015

Parent Magazine photo shoot

On Friday, Trevin and I drove to Malibu for a photo shoot for Parent magazine.  The shoot took place at this gorgeous house in the hills of Malibu.  
I mean...there was a tennis court, swimming pool, huge grass area, and a tent.
We waited around for a little bit and I let Trev play on my phone.  When he handed it back, I had about 60 selfies on it.  At least he was entertained.
It was time for wardrobe and hair.  The hairstylist loved Trevin.  She said she found a new Bff.  We headed down to the grass area to take some pics.  
 The model who played Trevin's 'mom' could've been my daughter.  But she was so good with him and they became fast friends also.  The crew were getting a kick out of Trev.  After every shot, Trev would say "I think I done now" but then would say "I kidding.  Let's take more".
Waiting in between takes.
 Such a fun experience.  Everyone was so nice and we were only there for a short time.  Too bad I can't say the same about the traffic we sat in on the way there and back!  Dang California.
 When we were getting ready to leave, we went back up to the house to change into his clothes.  Trevin was undressing and he looked around and said "This is such a beautiful house".  The stylist starting dying of laugher.  Trevin sure knows how to woo the ladies.