Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Uncle Fred and Marissa visit

My Uncle Fred, 'baby' cousin Marissa and her friend went to Magic Mountain for her spring break.  They were so sweet to head down to our neck of the woods for a visit.  We headed to Redondo, near Uncle Fred's old stomping grounds.
We ate a quick lunch and then headed to the ghetto arcade area to spend some money.  Everyone was too chicken to ride the tilt-a-whirl so we just played some games instead.
 Yep...that's my baby cousin with my 5 year old.
On our way out of the arcade, Marissa and Fred had to show us how strong and tough they were...
Marissa was pretty tough
..but Uncle Fred almost got to the very top with his muscles.  He blamed it on a slippery hand for not getting the highest score.  Umm hmmm...yeah right.
We headed back to walk around the pier and also grabbed a 'churros' (that one is for you Cody).
 It was a short visit but so much fun!  We loved hanging!