Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bouncing and tumbling

On Friday we went to the YMCA open gym.  It is a huge area filled with mats, trampolines, ropes, bars, etc!  Cara had to work at the last minute and asked me to take Aurora.  So I had two babies to look after.  Thank goodness the other mommies were there to help
Ryden was a bit cranky the entire time which I was surprised.  I figured he would love to crawl around and go crazy.  But he was a bit clingy and then Miss Aurora was zoomin' all over the place.  All the mom's want to have Mom's Night Out at this place because we would just have a blast!  We had to contain ourselves with all the little ones around. 
Gooooo Julia!
See Mr. Cranky Pants....over it!
Miss Aurora with her tounge out always!

There's a smile

Luke tried to make friends but Ryden cruised in the other direction...diss!

Out of all the cool things to do....he seemed content playing with this cone
Mr. Moses and Mr. Oliver
Vaughn wanted to be friends and Ryden wanted nothing to do with him either...jeez!
Maybe next time I shouldn't wake Ryden up from his nap to go to these fun things....poor Mr. Cranky Pants..we still had a blast but I learned one thing....thank goodness I don't have twins!  (hats off to you Aunt Chris!)