Saturday, March 6, 2010

Children's Museum

Yesterday we took the babes to a cute little Children's Museum in Escondido.  Claire and I drove together and she happened to have her niece, nephew, and niece's friend with her.  So, yes we looked like Jon and Kate plus 8 trucking around 5 kids.

  The museum had a "little sprouts" area that we just let the babies play in.  They also had an outdoor area with a place to blow bubbles.  I thought Ryden was going to pass out he was so excited!  He loved the bubbles.  I am sad I didn't get a picture of him with the bubbles
Miss Aurora in the tunnel

Oliver doing his domesticated duties

Ryden waiting for his meal that Aurora is cooking him
Readin' some books
Lookin' in the mirror
Gettin' sleepy
They had a cool mirror thing that Ryden liked to look at.  Made him look silly