Tuesday, March 23, 2010


WEIGHT:  20.2 lbs
LENGTH:  28 3/4 inches
FAVORITE TOY:  my planner and anything that spins
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Climbing the stairs (he is quite good now), flipping through books, and as I type this he is taking all of the papers out of the office trash can! 
MILESTONES:  Crawling (ALOT), rolling tounge (although he doesn't do this much anymore), climbing the stairs, taking his first steps (6 steps are the most so far), very mobile now, can fall gracefully and pull himself up on anything!  This month was full of big changes
DISLIKES:   sitting still (unless he has a book in front of him)
MOM'S FAVORITE:  I always say this but watching him with Jason.  Jason has a way of making him laugh and that makes me laugh.  This kid has the most infectious laugh!  Also, seeing him take steps for the first time was pretty freakin' awesome!
DAD'S FAVORITE:  Seeing him teach himself to climb the stairs.  This just means he can have him on the skateboard that much quicker!

And these below pictures are the best.  Apparently someone didn't want to participate in the 10 month photo shoot!

Goin' down!!!!
Pissed off Patty~