Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yesterday we went to the La Jolla Aquarium.  Ryden's second time there (last time he was only three months old).  Still loves everything about water, fish, bright colors, and of course this time he could stand on his own and walk around.  It was so hot outside but such a wonderful day!  Few updates on the little man.  He has taken several steps on his own but pretty much prefers to crawl all around unless he is holding onto your hands....then he prefers to walk everywhere.  This time change has screwed up our nap schedule but who needs a nap anyways! (besides mama!)  It is nice because I can do a lot more things during the day without him getting super cranky but I am not ready to go down to one nap a day just yet.  We will from the Aquarium:

Loves loves loves fountains
Ryden kept bugging he wanted to show him his cool mouth trick he learned....Oliver = not interested

Miss Aurora came to party with her boyfriends

What up fish??

The whole gang...such a great day!

Loves looking at the ocean

Eatin' Oli's feet