Sunday, March 14, 2010

Visiting the Grandpa's and Grandma's

This weekend we went up to visit Jason's grandpa Don and grandma Pam which are Ryden's great-grandparents.  Jason's dad also came from Arizona (Ryden's grandpa) so he got to see Ryden also.  Auntie Melinda made the trip with us and entertained the boy during the car ride.  Ryden loved seeing his grandparents. Was happy the whole time....Don and Pam's dog Bella sure did like playing with Ryden also!  And he couldn't get enough of her either.  Best friends.
Look at this sweet face

Ok look at THIS sweet face
Great grandma Pam gave Ryden a present.  His face says it all

Hangin' out with Papa Don

And Great Grandma Pam (helping him walk)

And of course Auntie Melinda is always around to assist with walking

Hangin' out with Dada- favorite thing to do

Grandpa Mike

Thanks for letting us come visit Don and Pam.  We had a great time with everyone!