Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Jason went to Tahoe for the weekend so Ryden and I jet-setted to Tucson to spend some time with the AZ fam.  Ryden did excellent on the plane ride of course and was so happy to see grandma and grandpa waiting for us when we landed.  We had so much fun although it was quite windy and slightly chilly.  Ryden has been struggling with a cold and had a crusty/snotty nose the entire time.  His face was also so chapped and in several of the pics he looks like he got a hold of a cherry snow cone.
I got to squeeze in some friend time (Cathy and Marcy) but most of the time was spent with the cousins, sisters, aunts, and grandparents.  Tons of activities....soccer games, soup kitchens, first time in the pool, and lots of GG time. 
 First taste of an eegee...a Tucson favorite
Where's Waldo?  The boys have this book memorized and could find Waldo in a second
Jacob sharing his toys with baby Ryden

Ryden learned a new trick....rolling his eyes.  It was sooo funny!
Hangin' with baby Emma
Emma and Grandpa
We went to an open gym where the kids could run around and jump on things.  Even Marcy brought her kiddies.  Aunt Sara walked Ryden all around this place.  Her poor back!  Meanwhile, I sat back and hogged Emma

Windy windy Tucson'
Grandma always snapping pictures
Hangin' with Aunt Elyse reading his favorite book.  Green eggs and ham
Bath time in the big boy tub!
Yay for girls night out....Congrats to Cathy!!  Friend on the way for Ryden.  (whoa Lady Gaga lips Marcy!)
Hangin with Auntie Katie
Ben's first soccer game!!  Goooo Wolves!  Instead of chasing after the ball...Ben was talkin' to the ladies...but he did make one good goalie!
Ryden had no interest in the game....just wanted to walk and walk and walk (and yes it was super windy that day also if you notice my hair!)
Yummy soup kitchen.  Pa cooked for a small army!
Girl couch (missing Sara!  She is probably walking with Ryden)
Boy couch
On our last day we all went over to Aunt Chris's house (Uncle Dale was skiing in Park City) to keep her company.  The pool was a little to cold so we all huddled in the jacuzzi.  I bought a little bikini for Emma and almost DIED when I saw her in it.  She was soooooo cute!!!  Ryden loved being in the water and proceeded to splash everyone around him.  I was hoping to get some color on my "white as ghost" legs but it's going to take a lot more than an hour in the sun to help me!
Umm hello......LOVE HER!
First time in the pool! (ok it was more like a huge bathtub)
We had so much fun with everyone and miss you guys!!