Monday, March 15, 2010

Tiff and gang

Tiffany came down from OC and brought her two little ones with her.  Torin is almost three and Kinen is one.  It was fun seeing them and Kinen actually took a liking to Ryden (givin' him kisses).  The best part was Torin sweeping my back pourch and doing a pretty good job I might add.  Tiff says he loves to clean and I say bring him over more often.  The kids loved walking up and down the stairs so Tiff sat at the bottom and I sat in the middle to catch any falling babies.  Now that Tiff is not working I think we will be hanging out more often.  Can't wait!

The two little ones banging on the screen door
Hey ladies...
Tiff was trying to get Torin to show me his breakdancing...this was all we got:
Ryden's first taste of refried beans.  Looks like he has a black eye!

The little ones walking up and down the stairs: Ryden in the lead
Kinen catching up
The winner (doggin' the loser)
...and the baby catchers