Friday, October 25, 2013

Back to Tucson we go....part 1

We just so happened to be driving to Tucson on Emma's actual birthday so Sara decided to have a family get together to celebrate.  We got there just in time.  The kids were happy to be out of the car...and happy to have some sugar, lots of sugar!  Everyone was in town (minus a few husbands) so it was one large family get together.  And this was the first time we have seen the twin cousins since Christmas.  Trev didn't know what to think..
Especially when Vera dove after his cupcake.  Not the best way to win brownie points with Trevin.  She will soon learn other ways to push his buttons...but leave his sugar alone
Ben and Ryden...ol' buddies ol' pals
Preggo cousin Elyse.  She is so stinkin' cute
And an actual decent picture of Trevin with Ahwee
The cupcakes (made by the talented Katie) before they were bombarded by crazy kids
Happy birthday song time.  Notice how Katie is trying so hard to keep from Trevin diving mouth first into the cupcakes?  Nice work
Papa and his birthday girl
Vera pickin' a good one
Trevin was so much better on this trip.  No stranger danger at all...hung out with all the relatives.  And loved him some Auntie Elyse
And also loved being Indiana Jones (jackin' my style)
The older girl cousins with the birthday girl
Some more cupcake pics
Classic Trevin
Harper is clearly into Minecraft as much as the older cousins
After a long day of driving and partying, we were ready for bed.  I told the boys to get in bed and walked in to find them both snuggled up together.  More Tucson fun to come