Sunday, October 27, 2013

Back to Tucson we go....part 2

It was awesome having Cody in Tucson because when we were bored we could be bored together.  Or, take the troops somewhere.  So we decided to take them to the Children's Museum to get them out of the house.  They had a great time!  It was really fun to watch them be free and run from room to room
We played with pinwheel walls...
Went through countless tunnels
And of course...did some grocery shopping
...and picked fruit from a tree
Crawled through tight spaces...
Ryden's selections at the grocery store...
And Trevin's....of course he picks the chocolate cake box
Ryden picking a winner
The crew stepping on "bugs"
Dr. Harper did not take off this lab coat for at least an hour..
And then Ryden decided to reconstruct an atom....
Meanwhile, Trevin held one up and said "pop-pop"  
The kids loved the little jungle area
Harper even found a new friend
But no friend compares to your crazy cousin
Then we went into a room that had a device that made a ball float in air.  The kids loved this!
And then we found the Arts N Crafts room and it was really hard for me to drag my boys away from it...
Finally, we made it over to the room that had V & H's attention while we were doing art.
And it had one cool carrot car..that didn't move
And had a pretty cool prism thingy
Harper LOVED this slide.  And so did the boys...but Trev got a little pissed when Harper decided to walk up in when it was his turn to slide...
Had to hit the Lego area..and taste to make sure they were ok
My boys were in awe at the electricity ball thing-a-ma-bob
Motorcycle mamas...and a dude
One last stop outside to play before we hit the road.  Ry made a masterpiece
Stand next to your brother so I can get a picture....uh ok
Then this happened
I think by far the most fun the kids had was running down this ramp....