Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Trevin milestones

As of a week ago, Trevin is pretty much potty trained.  He wears underwear all day and has only had a few accidents.  We even go out in public with our underwears on and I haven't had to change his clothes once (knock on wood).  I was dreading the day I would have to potty train Trev because lets face it...the kid isn't much of a talker so I was concerned how he would let me know when he had to go.  Well, the few words he does say...poop and pee happen to be a strong part of his vocab.  So he is so good about telling me when he has to go.  One time I came upon a pair of underwear lying on the floor by the bathroom and walked in to see Trev going all by himself!  I can't believe how easy it was for him!  And he is only 25 months old.  You go boy!
Marky your heart out
Another Trev milestone....
Yep...we finally learned how to get out of the crib.  So Mama had to go out and buy a rail so he could sleep with RyRy...his dream come true.  Now if I can only get him to stay in bed!  The other night I put him down.  About 1/2 hour later I walk in to find him playing with his skateboards on the dresser.  He used to be so easy to put to a story, put him in his crib, and he was out.  Well...not anymore...sigh