Monday, October 7, 2013

Pumpkin Patch fun!

I asked Teresa to meet us in Irvine for some Pumpkin Patch fun.  Once again, it was ridiculously hot outside but this pumpkin patch had tons of activities to keep our minds off melting to death.  We arrived right when they opened and headed straight to the bounce house.  Ryden will only do these if there are few to no other kids in them.  So Trev and Ry got the whole thing to themselves for 10 straight minutes
Ryden had heard that there was a hay maze so he bee-lined for that right after the bounce house
....and he got us all out safely.  Trevin seemed surprised
Pumpkins, pumpkins every where!  Ry posed for me...while Trev got eaten alive by them
A stick...hours of entertainment
Can you guess which is Ry and which is Trev?  Ok not such a hard game but at first glance they look so similar
Hay ride time!  Dang hay is the worst on the ol' booty.  And now I will be finding hay in my clothes and shoes for months!  But it was still a fun ride around the area.  

They had the cutest little train that went around the area also.  It even went through a spooky tunnel!  Ry wasn't too excited about that!  But he did love the train in general.
Ry really wanted to go to the petting zoo...which didn't exist.  So we decided to ride the ponies instead.  At first I really didn't want to wait in line in the bright sun...but so glad we did.  They both loved it!  Trevin enjoyed riding on Lacey...
And Ryden and Dan really hit it off
Waiting for his brother to finish his ride
Photo opp!  Hug your brother!  
Our next activity was the best/worst idea ever.  Decorating cookies!  We all know how much Trevin loves his sugar.  Well he was certainly in heaven making his own cookie loaded with frosting and sprinkles.  And he proceeded to eat all of the frosting off and leave the slobbery cookie part for someone else
My favorite picture of frosted cartoon teeth~
More photo opps!  
And the spooky house!  Ryden covered his eyes through the whole 30 seconds of this "scary" house.  Trevin cried when we finished...because he wanted to go again
The rocking chair on the left would slowly rock back and forth.  Trev must've stared at this for 20 minutes
Pumpkin picking time...
Trev dove in head first
We played a few carnival games and ended up with some sweet prizes!
Trevin and Alto....Ryden and David.  We had to take our new friends back into the hay maze
And feed him some acorns
One last activity before we high tailed it home and out of the heat.  Bike riding!  Ok who's smart idea was that?  We had the bike rented for an hour.  Teresa and I maybe made it until 20 minutes before we were sweating and done.  Plus, the kids were head butting each other with their helmets in the front seat.  Such a fun day!!