Sunday, October 6, 2013

Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair

A bunch of my friends kept telling me about the Hometown Fair that happens every October so I had to take the boys and check it out.  There were bounce houses, carnival games, and of course....a petting zoo.  This seemed like the only thing Ryden wanted to do so we waited in the scorching sun to go pet the stinky animals.  The boys loved it!  Goats...bunnies...ducks...oh my!
I made Trevin sit on this hay barrel so I could get a picture.  Five seconds later, all the animals trotted over.  They wanted to get in on the picture too
What the?
Ryden loved this little white pony.  He grabbed Trevin's hand and made him walk over with him to pet it...
Cheese!!  This is the only picture I could get with both of them looking
Megan and Petra..she wasn't too happy that her Mama tried to take her paci out for the picture
After the petting zoo fun, we took the kids to get a snow cone.  It was a perfect treat for the super hot day.  Did I mention we were sweating our butts off?  Ry and Trev went at that thing like it was their job
Those teeth!
Finally, I let them run around at the park before we headed home.  Such a fun day despite the heat!
No clue who Ryden is waving at