Friday, July 11, 2014

Flashback Friday- Jan-June 2005

I print out all of my blog posts into books and I find myself looking at them every so often.  We have so many old pictures on our computer, so I am going to try to transfer a few that I like into the blog for memory sake and so that they can be printed into the books as well.  So these are circa 2005...almost TEN years ago.  YIKES!
My first snowboarding adventure
 Our Trading Places company party night.
 Many trips to Vegas for the shoe show.  This trip we happened to make a stop at the aquarium inside Mandalay Bay.
 Bowling with Calhoun photo bombing before it was cool
 Hanging with our homies...Scott and Leslie
 Teresa and Mel come for a visit (yes this was pre Teresa living in Cali)

 Oh my....karaoke night was a staple of ours...
 Our turn to visit AZ.  This was when Tyson lived in Phx with Teresa.  Oh how we miss that crazy big dog!
 More AZ
 Future sis-in-law.  Didn't know it at the time

 Night on the town.  Ahhh the days before having to arrange a sitter.
 Another Cali visit from Teresa and Mel.  They visited a lot and I loved it!
 Nova and Max would come to visit with Teresa was in town....old school homies.  What is with Jason looking like he belongs in a boy band!?
My homies from WAAAYYY back
Hiking and beach day
 Nice form Teresa
 More hang out time with the homies
 70's party time
 I invented the selfie
 More hiking with Max
 And finally....our trip out to San Jose to meet BABY Ben...who is now NINE years old..