Friday, July 18, 2014

Flashback Friday- July-Dec2005

We took a weekend trip to Catalina Island with out homeboy Max..back in the day
 Max being Max...
 Cliff diving!  I remember I chickened out and watched safely from the top.
 I woke up one morning and went to go shower.  I found a note on the ground that said I didn't have to go to work (Jason had talked to my boss who happened to be our roommate Lindsey) and he was taking me to Disney for the day.  I still remember that trip very well even though it was almost ten years ago.
 Splash Mountain!
 Family fourth of July's in San Diego...prob one of my favorite pics of Pa ever!
 Snorkeling in La Jolla
 More cliff diving and more of Amy chickening out
 Baby Ben!  We now have SEVEN kids between the three of us.  Ben was the first
 Jason visiting his cousins in Paradise, CA
 My new civic!
 Many days spent at the beach house with crazy SID and friends
 And Papa Mike (before he was Papa)
 Back to Vegas.  We used to go twice a year.
 Our Korean family
 More hangouts with Teresa, Max, and sushi
 And back to AZ we go..a stop in Scottsdale before we headed to Tucson for my TEN year reunion.  Hike at Camelback..
 I am still super close with these two girls!  Marcy is younger than us but when to our reunion anyways.
 Back to Scottsdale for a night out with Teresa and Melinda
 T-Dawg and me...being super gangsta!
 One of my many 'work' Hawaii trips with my boss who happens to be one of my best friends.  We always had the best time!
 ...and along came Molly
Christmas time!  Teresa still gives us pj's to this day...
 Ben's first steps
 Selfies before they were cool...
 And New Year's with my old homies.  These peeps will always be my close friends.