Friday, July 25, 2014

Flashback Friday- Jan-June 2006

New Year's celebrations (although this may have been to ring in 2007)
 Jason got to hang with some of his skateboard heros
Many pictures of Molly Boo
 Back to Vegas we go...
 Dog beach
Jason attempted several times to take me snowboarding to which I never got the hang least we would get the cabin for free due to my hook up from my job (oh I miss those job perks)
 I would drag Lindsey with me so we could 'suck' together
 Lindsey and I were much happier drinking beers in the lobby
Back at the beach house to watch the California sunsets.  And to clear things up...this was Jason's boss's beach house which we claimed as our own when they were on vacation.
Back to AZ to visit the fam.  I do believe Sara was pregnant with Jacob around this time.  Jacob is now SEVEN.
 Cute little Ben
Katie before she was Mrs. Cupcake
 Then a visit to Phx for the birthday girl.
Another camping adventure.  I remember we brought the dogs...then immediately drove them back home (yes our campsite was that close) because they weren't ready to camp.
Molly and Tyson...friends forever.  This was when I used to dress Molly in ridiculous outfits.  Poor Boo.
 My first trip to New York.  Cody met up with us.  And then we attended Jason's childhood friend's wedding.  
The bride and groom (whom I'm meeting for the first time...I seem to be getting along quite nicely) 
 The wedding
 I remember this sweet little boy talking to me.  His mom later told me he was flirting with me.  I guess that's why he asked to take a picture
The end of the night....
Next up?  Wine party at our house.  And another fashion police outfit for Molly