Wednesday, July 30, 2014

House pictures (for Katie and Cody!)

So I have been requested to showcase my house even though we are just renting.  While I was visiting New York, Katie kept asking me to explain the layout of my house.  So, I promised I would take pictures to make it easier for her to figure out.  Cody did this recently and then proceeded to tell me it was my turn.  So here you go ladies!  You can also play the fun game of "Where's Boo".  She is in almost every picture..

The view when you first walk in.  The living room, dining room, and kitchen are pretty much one big open space
The living room.  I would probably change the color of the walls if we owned this house.  But I can deal..
 My couch that no one is allowed to sit on!
 My fun wall.  The orchid used to be in full bloom.  Just lost all the flowers so it looks a little sad.
Dining room
View from the kitchen
The master bedroom is actually on the first floor.  I was worried with the kids being upstairs but it is actually nice.  We can hear them perfectly fine if they need us.
Door to the backyard. 
The garage is actually in the back of the house.  We don't use it to park cars...we use it as a playroom/arts n crafts zone.  When I have play dates, that is the favorite place for the kids to hang.
There is a spare bedroom inside the garage along with a bathroom and shower
Side yard
 We are lucky to have a huge grass area in the back of the garage
 And plenty of concrete for scooter riding in front of the garage.  Our backyard is all blocked off so the kids can go nuts and I don't have to worry about them escaping.  I just have to worry about them breaking their legs on the ramps.
The boys room upstairs.  We separated the bunk beds so they have their own personal space now.  They love it!  They talk to each other for awhile at night before finally falling asleep.  This is fine by long as they don't bother us!
The second bedroom upstairs is used as the office/wipeout zone.  Yes, the boys like to pretend the couch is part of the TV show 'Wipeout'.  
 All the rooms have their own bathroom which is nice when we have company
There you go ladies!  Who's next??