Thursday, July 3, 2014


We were originally going to go to AZ for the 4th of July week, but at the last minute decided we didn't want to face the long drive and the heat.  So, we took a shorter drive down to Oceanside to hang with Grandma for a few days.  And that also included a trip to Legoland.  We hadn't been since before Trev was a year old and the boys are now at the perfect age.  Ry is tall enough for all the rides and Trev can ride most of them (keep eating your veggies!)  The place was packed, but we rode some familiar rides...
 Trev was excited about the candy house of course
 All Ryden kept talking about were these dang helicopters...The most un-exciting ride at the park but he loves them!
 On to the airplanes...
 These slides were another hit.  We must've went down them ten times!
 We ate a quick lunch and then let the boys run around in the coolest park ever...
 Trev giving Mama a push down the slide
 We then decided to move on to the water park.  Jason then spotted a boat ride he wanted to go on.  I observed passengers getting SOAK CITY on this ride and calmly suggested we get our bathing suits on first and then go on the ride.  My idea was shot down.  "We won't get that wet..."  People should always listen to the blonde girl.  When we got off the ride, it was as if we had just jumped in a pool...  
 Watching the riders getting soaked
 We then put our bathing suits on and headed to the slides.  Trev went down once and had enough.
"I too cold!"  He proceeded to pass out right after I took this picture.
 Since Trevin was asleep, we took Ry on all the water slides he wanted to go on.  He was having a blast!
 ...and so was Jason apparently 
 We finally woke Trevin up so he could enjoy the wave pool before it got too late/cold.
 The little boy loved swimming in the waves
The kids starting shivering severely, so we put on dry clothes and headed out to a few more rides.
 And you can't go to Legoland and not visit mini land.  Tiny cities built from Legos...the boys liked pushing the buttons to see what would move...
 Ryden checking out New Orleans
Trevin?  Or Godzilla?
 Drivin' da boats
 Heading over to see what New York looks like... "I been dere"- Trevin
 We made Ry pose next to Luke Skywalker even though he has no idea who that is...
 ...and then the beating up started happening so we decided it was time to go..