Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Santa Monica fun

Our good friend Molly lives in Santa Monica, so I thought it would be fun to take the boys there for some fun.  While we waited for Molly to join us, the boys played on some rides (pretended of course because I never have change).
Molly met us and took Ryden in line with her to buy tickets for the Ferris Wheel.  I made the mistake of parking the stroller by an Icee cart.  Looks like one of those drinks the drunk kids carry around Vegas!
Trev was throwing a fit because he didn't want to go on the Ferris Wheel.  Guess how I got him to go?
...yes you can bring your icee
Molly was a little nervous at first, but then really enjoyed the view.  She was so good with the boys.  Ryden took to her immediately. 
That one ride cost me all my money so we decided to break for lunch.  At the restaurant,  we totally saw Luke Wilson!  Of course, I was too chicken to ask for a picture.  I even walked right by him and established eye contact!  Where's PT Patti when you need her...at least I got a few cute ones of Trev with Molly and her sunglasses.
The boys did fairly well at lunch so they were rewarded with cotton candy...not my smartest idea to date.
 Molly and the boys!