Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Visiting old friends

My good friend Julie moved to Seattle about the same time we moved to LA.  She was in town (Carlsbad) for a little bit, so we drove down to hang out.  Brandi came too.  Ryden, Sam, and Charlie didn't miss a beat.  They were back to being homies.
These boys have know each other since they were one...and since Trevin was a wee newborn
Baby Henry!  Charlie's little bro
My girls...such good times with them back in the day
Bromance..Jason and Julie's husband, Gary
Before we moved, they were building this HUGE park right by our old house.  It didn't get finished before we left but it was finished now.  We had to check it out.  I thought Jason was going to cry when he saw the skatepark.  I think he might quit his job and move back just for this darn park.  Ryden even said "I just can't stop looking at it!"
 These little dudes...
Jason and Brandi's husband, Mike
These boys sure do miss each other.  Maybe because Ry hangs out with all girls now!
We were trying take a picture of just the girls when a guy asked if we wanted him to take a picture of all of us.  He took the first picture (the one at the top of this post) and then said, " FUNNY FACES!"  Best.  Random.  Photographer.  Ever!  I feel like Charlie and Sam were the only ones that got the funny face memo.