Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Trevin turns THREE!

Well it's official.  We no longer have any babies in the house.  Trevin turned three and we had a huge party to celebrate.  We were overjoyed when Papa, Ahwee, and GG pie drove out to join the festivities.  Papa brought a bowling present he bought from a yard sale...and proceeded to try and get it to work for a good 1/2 hour.  Took the whole thing apart..
On the night they arrived, I made some beef stew and we all sat down to a nice meal.  The kids even got to eat at the adult table because they both wanted to sit by papa.
 After dinner we, of course, enjoyed some ice cream.
The next morning, it was party day (and Trev's actual birthday)!  Papa and Ahwee let Trevin open his present.  They even bought something for Ryden which made him feel super special.
 Ahwee bought Trev this singing monkey (..you say it's yo birthday..nananana).  Trev got this huge smile on his face the first few times.  Then he knocked it down and said 'no more'.
 The boys had a great time opening up the grab bag gift complete with a blow horn, silly string....
 ...and these wax teeth
The bounce house people brought it over a few hours before the party started and we had two (make that three) very excited boys.
 The boys (and Teresa) had some time to test it out before the chaotic party started.
 Then the party people started arriving and our house went from quiet to crazy in a matter of seconds.
Trev and Tessa did their usual 'ignore each other' bit..
 Then Trevin got over the water slide and watched the craziness from the sidelines
Party favors...
CAKE TIME!!!  Trev wanted chocolate cake..so chocolate cake is what he got.  
 Sweet Olivia always by Trevie's side...helping him out
 Kids everywhere.
 Jason slaving away..cutting the cake...
 The boys love our neighbor's kids.  Ruby couldn't make it but Duke showed up after his hockey game.
 Trevin follows Duke around yelling his name.  And Duke is so sweet to him...
 My homegirl Megan...and me in a fight with the sun
 My other homegirl Kim and her daughter Shyla.  PS.  How great was it to have PT Patti at the party to take all the pictures I didn't!  And shout out to my grandma, pa, Teresa, and some of my friends for helping me manage this crazy party!
 Holy cow...Trev scored!!
 So nice that Grandma came up for the fun!
 I would say it was a successful party.  Remind me to never host at my house again...phew!!