Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tucson part 1

This year, Jason's China trip happened to fall on the same week that Ryden had his spring break.  So, it was a perfect time for us to head to Arizona to spend some time with the fam.  The boys and I packed up and headed out early in the morning.  It was a smooth trip and when we arrived, Papa and Ahwee had ice cream waiting.
The dogs wanted a piece of the action.  **Fashion disclaimer:  I had laid an outfit out for Trev to put on in the morning.  He came downstairs in this awesome stripe getup instead.  Alrighty then...
 Ma had her camera ready..
The cousins got word that we made it to town so they high tailed it over to say hi.
Molly tried to high tail it away from Emma but she didn't stand a chance.
The next morning, the boys got to scooter in GG's house.
Yes, that is GG's future home.  Right in the backyard.  The boys had a blast scootering through the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.
Trevin then decided that he wanted to go swimming.  "I get my bathing suit on!" he said as he booked it inside.  The water was pretty cold so I didn't think he would actually go in.  But he busted out his floaties and braved the water.  He had to bring his surfboard also.
I think the cold water was a bit of a shock..
The boys were having a grand old time finding any pool toy they could and throwing it in the water.  Papa was not having such a grand time fishing all the toys out of the pool.
Dunk the Trevin..
 Sunbathin' in the suuunnnnnn