Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th!

Tradition:  The fam leaves Tucson to spend the 4th at Misson Bay.  So that gives us an excuse to pack up and head to San Diego for the holiday.  I absolutley love this time because I just kick back and watch everyone pay oodles and oodles of attention to Ryden.  The day before 4th, Jason and I arrived in SD before everyone so we decided to rent a boat to kill some time.  Ryden dug everything about it except for the dang life preserver he had to wear.  Safety first little guy!
It was a tad windy..nice hair!
The 4th was very mellow.  The craziest we got was playing beer pong!  Jason was lucky this year and got paired with GG.  They took the victory!
Victory dance
  As usual, I was paired with Katie and AK Attack (our team name) was also victorious!

Cindy was upset with our beer pong skills
The boys rented paddle boards and took out the kayaks as well.  Too bad it was such a crappy day!  No sun and it was quite cold as you can tell with all the sweaters in the pictures.
I did get in on the paddle board action but thank goodness this is the only picture.  No close ups please!
Ryden loved hangin' with the aunties and walking in the sand
Darn paparazzi!
Readin' with Aunt Chris and GG
If Ryden won't keep his hat on than Elyse will put it to good use!
Daddy!  Happy 4th
Photographer Elyse changed the mode on the camera and I thought this picture turned out so cool!
Waiting for Fireworks and GG making glow stick bracelets
The only pic of us three and Ry is looking at a plane in the sky
Crazy Gracie!
The crowd watching the fireworks