Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ryden's AZ best friend turns ONE!

Since we missed Paxton's first birthday party, we made a special trip to Phoenix to let the boys hang out and be cool one year olds together.  Pax LOVED Ry and followed him all around the house.  Ryden took a little longer to warm up but once he did they were inseparable. 
They loved playing together and it was so fun to watch
My favorite was watching them push each other in the dump truck (and yes we even dressed them in the same shirts)
The first day in Phx was actually pretty nice.  Overcast and only in the 90's.  The boys took advantage and swam in the pool. Ry was a little fish.  Pax on the other hand just liked to do laps around the perimeter of the pool.  This gave Adam quite the work out

After swimming...still running a muck
Snack time!
My wonderful cousin Katie had a slumber party with Ryden so that mommy and daddy could have a night out on the town!  Best Auntie ever!
And Jade and Adam's nephew Dillon stayed with Pax
Ready to PARTY..but we sure couldn't party like we used to!
The next day was a hot one.  Our friends Brandon and Katie came over with their new addition.
Meet Kelton...such a beautiful and calm baby
The boys needed to cool off with some tasty refreshments

Group shot!
Thank you Adam, Jade, and Pax for the excellent hospitality.  Four adults, and two kids can do a number to your clean house....sorry Jade!  But we had such a blast and can't wait to get the kiddies back together....LOVE YOU GUYS!