Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shortest Tucson trip ever

Last weekend we decided to make a quick stop in Tucson before we headed to Phoenix to visit Adam, Jade, and Paxton.  We arrived around midnight on Wednesday and left around 6pm on Thursday so it was quite the quick visit.  We still had time to play with all the cousins and have a quick family dinner.  As always, Ryden loved hanging out with everyone.  Emma is 9mnts now and almost Ryden's size.  She desperatley wanted to move around like him....soon little girl...soon.
  Jacob's new favorite:  Railroad crossing
And showing off his umbrella
Playing outside
Ben and I did some chalk drawings..pretty good if you ask me
Ryden LOVED watching Ben draw and LOVED this toy thingy
No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed!
Five months apart
Mailin' letters
Thanks for having us for the short time!  Next time it will be longer....we promise.

Ryden and Grandpa.....matching All-Stars