Monday, July 19, 2010

MacMaster Family Reunion

On Sunday we headed up to LA for the MacMaster family reunion.  The bad news is it took us almost three hours to get there and with an unhappy kid for about the last hour, made it not-so-fun.  Thank goodness for ipads and Yo Gabba Gabba.  And at least both the kids took a short nap on the ride up.

 The good news is we had such a good time hanging out with everyone.  We don't get to see them that often so it is always nice to play catch up.  Steve and Cathy brought their "kids" who didn't take too kindly to Ryden.  The doggies weren't used to being around a little human so were pretty much upset the whole time.  But Madison's dog Bella and Ryden were the best of friends.  Here they are antagonizing the other yorkies locked behind the gate
  We drank, ate, and were merry...
We took naps on the stairs
We hung out with people wearing the same outfits as us
And yes....we even rocked out to Justin Bieber on the porch swing.  Even Ryden has Bieber Fever!
Madison pretty much told me all I needed to know about the Twilight series so I don't have to read or see the movies....
We played Hide N Seek
And we made Papa Don pose for a million pictures!
And finally, we celebrated TJ (21st) and Grandma Cora (39th) birthdays :)
We had such a great time catching up with everyone.  Thank you Don and Pam for having us over and thanks to all the MacMasters for coming to visit.  We love you all!  Until next time.....