Friday, July 9, 2010

More San Diego time

Ryden and I went back down to San Diego to enjoy some "sunshine" with the family. was still FREEZING with no sun in sight.  But we walked down to the rollercoaster and the twins even got to go on the carousel with the boy.  Elyse went with him first

By the time the 10 minute ride was over (seriously was so long! Poor dizzy Elyse) it was Katie's turn.  Ryden was so excited to go again (can you pick up on my sarcasim)

But he went on again with Aunt Katie and looked less than thrilled the whole time despite the cheering crowd on the sidelines
Katie and I then took the boy out in the sand so we could say we were at the beach even if it was for five minutes!
High fives and upside down
So sad that the weather was so horrible the whole week for the family.  But at least it is better than the 110 degrees they will face in Tucson :)