Tuesday, July 27, 2010


WEIGHT:  21.4 lbs
HEIGHT:  29"
FAVORITE TOY:  loves all his stuffed animals.  I will walk into his room and find him laying on a stuffed animal just chillin'
FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Loves banging on things, taking stuff out of drawers, playing on the playground, being outside, playing in the water, baths
MILESTONE:  Can say hot (awt).  Everything is hot to him.  I put fruit on his highchair and he says "awt".  He runs now vs. walking.  I will ask him where things are and he will point to whatever I ask.  Going down the big boy slide all on his own (with mommy catching him at the bottom of course)
DISLIKES:  Carseat or stroller which is making stroller strides a little difficult
MOM's FAVORTIE:  Watching him point things out to me.  Of course, I think he is the smartest baby in the world.  I also LOVED watching him interact with his buddy Paxton
DAD'S FAVORTIE:  When he "repeats" words that Daddy says...in Ryden language of course.  Also, Ryden cracks up when Daddy reads stories to him in funny voices