Friday, July 30, 2010

Kidsville RULES!

We took the babes to this place called Kidsville which was AMAZING!  This place would have been my dream come true when I was little.  Tiny rooms to play dress up....bikes to ride around....slides...castles...MAN!  We had a blast.  Of course out of all the cool things to do...Ryden just wanted to push things around.
Nicole is tiny enough to ride with the babies
Going through tunnels and in caves
MOMO (Moses)..almost in the "one year old" club
Miss Hun playing with her dolls and hanging out with  Princess Reese
Ry even got to see his friend Vaughn who we haven't see in forever!  He's so big
This slide was KILLER!  It looks lame but I think you can tell from my expression that I thought I was going to crash and burn!

I'm pretending to be a fireman!  Get your head out of the gutter people
And more fun stuff...
What the?
What a fun day!