Sunday, September 15, 2013

Disneyland with the cousins

We had a fun filled day at Disneyland despite most of the big rides being closed.  Ry followed close to his cousins and Sara and I tried to keep calm with five kids!  Sara was on a mission to get signatures from the princesses.  Unfortunately, the only 'princess' we met was Jesse.  The other boys were too cool to stand by her 
Our first ride wanted to be Pirates but it was closed.  Then we tried Peter Pan but the line was ridiculous.  So Mr. Toad's wild ride won.. Trev was super excited.  Ry was too...until after the ride.  "Too scary" he said
Ryden had to stop and try the sword in the stone....
Jacob came over to help..
And then it was off to the teacups.  How did I get sucked into going on this again?  Jacob was in charge of spinning us.  I didn't tell him that he was turning the wheel the wrong that meant less spinning and less chance of Aunt Amy hurling.
While we were waiting to spin, a flower fell from the sky and bonked Emma on the head.  She kept it for the whole ride...
Sara then took the big boys on the Matterhorn and I took the little ones on Small World.  Still such amazement in their eyes riding this ride..

Meanwhile, I'm taking thousands of pictures and not even paying attention to the ride.  
Emma sticking her hand in the water and getting busted ;)
And after the ride we had to watch the clock for about 10 minutes.  It's Ry's favorite 
While we waited for the rest of the crew, Emma fed snacks to everyone
We headed over to Toon Town because Ryden loves that dang roller coaster that is about a 15 second ride.  So I took him and Jacob on it.
Jacob and Ryden developed a secret handshake which included Ryden lifting up his arm and Jacob tickling him. 
After and eventful Toon Town run, Trev and Emma both passed out.  So Sara took all the awake kids to the Pirates (which finally opened) and I stayed with the two sleeping beauties.  I was sitting on a wall just chillin'.  Everyone walking by kept starting at me and pointing.  I finally realized that Princess Tiana was right behind me.  Too bad Emma was passed out
We decided it would be a good time to break for lunch and let the kids run around a bit.  Trev, of course, played skateboards
...and then was fascinated with the ducks
Time for Winnie Pooh!  I swear we rode this one about 30 times.  The kids loved it!  Well, not so sure how Ben felt about least he pretended to like it..
And then...the moment of truth....had those months of eating his vegetables worked??
Finally tall enough for Splash Mountain!  We zoomed into line...and of course, nobody checked to make sure he was tall enough.
Sara watched from the sidelines and got the BEST picture of Ryden's first Splash Mountain experience!  Way to go Sara!  I think the lady behind me is more worried than Ryden was.  And Ben's face is classic
Back to Pirates we go!  Emma and Ryden really bonded on this trip.  Emma kept saying that Ryden was her girlfriend...kissing cousins!
One more Small World before we caught a little of the parade.  
Ryden was so done!  Passed out in the middle of a lollipop 
Bye Disneyland....