Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sister comes to visit

Aunt Sara came to visit and Ryden was stoked to have his cousins over for a slumber party!  After driving all day, we decided to take a long walk for ice cream so her kids could get some energy out.  Everyone hopped on their scooters, skateboards, and strollers and we took off...
Love the picture of Ben holding Trevin's hand.  Such a good older cousin
Trying to get a normal pic with Dada and Trev....not gonna happen
Emma and Ryden...Adore this picture also!
Poor Trev stuck in the stroller...
ICE CREAM TIME!  (or frozen yogurt...same thing)
Since Jacob doesn't like cold things...he got a cup full of candy...awesome!
I have never seen a kid inhale frozen yogurt as fast as Trevin.  World record setter
On the way home we walked along the beach.  The kids headed for the sand the first second they got.  We got some super amazing cousin photos.  It was so cool to see them having so much fun together.  Glad they have a relationship like I have with my cousins.
The sunset was amazing...and gone in about 30 seconds
Attack on Uncle Jason
I really like this one also mainly because of the kids playing in the background....
Love all these sweet moments.....