Thursday, September 5, 2013

Scottsdale Day 1

We were all packed to head out to Tahoe when we found out there had been a huge fire in Yosemite which had caused the air in Tahoe to become extremely smokey.  So we decided on an impromptu trip to AZ instead.  We stayed in Scottsdale for a few days before heading down to Tucson.  The Westin has an amazing pool area for the kids so the boys loved it!  Trev even got a homemade snowball from the pool guy.
The water slide was a hit.  Each time after he slid down it, Trev would get out of the pool, clap, and say "More".  Jason must've taken him 20 times while Ryden and I read every 'no' sign around the pool.
Clap, clap, more!
Ryden was super content in the shallow pool.  He had the whole thing to himself to splash and throw his floaties around.  
Trev joined in the floatie game also
We stayed at the Westin last year and all Ryden would talk about is the hotel with "Chest".  For awhile, I couldn't figure out what that meant....
We played checkers also
Stood on some big balls....
And ran through water like maniacs....
Rolling balls on the pool table proved to be pretty entertaining..

Finally, it was time to call it a night after some ice cream.  Boy was it hot in AZ!!
Slumber party again!  Although, Trevin woke up crying in the middle of the night.  When I ran in to comfort him I couldn't find him anywhere!  Jason turned on the light and I finally found him UNDER the pull out couch.  I would pay $100 to figure out how he ended up there.  Poor little boy was scared to death!