Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tucson- The last day

Our last day in Tucson was filled with a lot of family time.  Aunt Chris and Uncle D had a swim party at their house which was amazing!  But before we headed over there we did a few activities in the morning.  Jason went on a solo hike to 7 falls and encountered a nice rattler on his way (which he almost stepped on)
Ry, Trev, Ahwee, and I went on one last walk to visit the old cactus and purple cactus.  Ry is getting good at knowing his different cacti.  Barrel, jumping (watch out for those Mama, they jump on you!)..
Ry and Trev played with a blast from the past toy.  I forgot how mean Speak and Spell is (that is INCORRECT!!).  And I also forgot how I would be completely lost without spell check!  
Ryden discovered the back scratcher
I went to go on a run and discovered I had left my running shoes in the car that Jason took.  So mom came to the rescue and lent me her too big Easy Spirits.  I was lookin' so hip...
Ryden had to help Ahwee make a pear pie of course.  This time he managed to make the whole thing without licking all the pears.  
We 'fed the quails' (or just threw bread into the cactus).
Finally, it was time to head to Aunt Chris and Uncle Dale's house.  It was such good family time.  And a lot of other random fun happened as well.
Goggle Kitty made an appearance
The cousin's had a rendezvous under the waterfall
Trev and Ry showed off their climbing skills
Olive pouted
The jumping pictures began...
Jason tried to one up everyone with his karate kicks, flips, and superman pose..
I busted out my olympic worthy back-dive.  Check out my pointed toes even when I hit the water!  Gold medalist all the way!
Trev tried to compete
But Uncle Dale was the most impressed with Ryden's 'cannonball while holding a beer' jump
GG wasn't too impressed at all.  She knew she could out jump us all!
Ryden had a good ol' time playing 'ring on the head while cannonballing' game
And Emma doesn't seem to get the 'hold hands and jump in at the same time' game
Can't go to a family party without getting mad dogged (as Ahwee calls it)
Here is a succession of Emma...hurt arm while jumping, cry, comforted by Aunt Chris and pie
Steve then enjoyed a whole bottle of wine
And I am so glad my double chin and Trevin's cartoon teeth showed up to the party
I miss the family get togethers so this was such a great day.  Thanks for hosting Wheelands.  Back to Cali we go!