Saturday, September 7, 2013

Scottsdale Day 3 and Tucson Day 1

We decided to make one last trip to the pool before heading down to Tucson.  The Wallace clan met us for breakfast and then headed to the pool too.  They have two boys almost the same ages as ours so we had a good old time together.  
Ryden continued his love for 'cannonballing' while Trevin whined because his hands were dirty
Trevin got in on the jumping action.  It was such a HOT day so perfect to be in the pool..
Ryden totally photo bombed us!  Nice form..
After we had cooled off enough and it was nearing nap time, we hit the road.  The kids passed out almost the entire ride down to Tucson.  Once we arrived at Papa and Ahwee's the boys were thrilled to see the skateboard ramps!  Trev was more thrilled about putting a small plastic tire in his mouth.
And they were also thrilled for a little tickle time from Papa.  "You better run!"
Ryden had been talking about his cousins non-stop since even before we decided to go to AZ.  So of course we had to make a trip over to Aunt Sara and Uncle Steve's house.  My how they have all grown.  Each boy cousin has a partner.  Team Ben & Ryden.  Team Jacob & Trevin.  
But the best team I think is Team Emma & Aunt Amy.  While the boys spazzed out, we calmly played Barbie's and picnic.  Emma set up a lovely picnic for us.  She told me she packed a lot of healthy snacks for us.  Then said "Here's your doughnut".  I like her idea of healthy!
Crazy time outside!  The slide was a huge hit.  The cousins would all slide down it and pile up on the bottom.  It was a hoot to watch
MAJOR pile up!!
Uncle Steve would catch them as they were sliding down and then push them back to the top.  This game was another favorite!  Tons of laughter
My attempt at an artsy sunset picture of Jason and Trevin was a major fail.  Trev kept wanting to jump off the wall so nobody sat still long enough!