Friday, September 6, 2013

Scottsdale Day 2- Happy Birthday Trevin!

We started the morning of Trevin's birthday out right.  With some A-Doh's (doughnuts) which Trevi proceeded to eat just the frosting off the top.  Then it was back to the pool.  This time we went to the other half of the hotel which has a lazy river and a wave ride (for the big kid- Jason).  Jason was in heaven for a full hour.  Got to do crazy flips, ride some waves...and bail.
We watched for a good 20 minutes until Trev got upset because he wasn't allowed to ride the waves.
So we headed back to the pool area and left Dada to spazz out on the waves.  Of course, we had to stop and read some signs on the way...
Trev passed out (not sure from exhaustion or the heat), and Dada finished his wave time and took Ry in the pool.  I sat and chilled with sleeping beauty and had a margarita.
Our good friend Pax showed up to add some crazy energy to the mix.  He immediately pulled Ryden in every the pool, out of the pool, in the lazy river, cannonballs, splashing, AHHH....slow your roll dude.  But Ryden had a blast!
I made the mistake of telling Jade (Pax's mom) that is was Trevi's birthday.  She told us to come over and she would have cupcakes for him.  Just what Trevin needed.  A bunch of sugar before we even ate dinner.  But he wouldn't have it any other way.  And it was so sweet of her to want to celebrate him.
The Izzetts just had their third little one.  Miss Sloane....isn't she the cutest!!  She just chilled with me for a good 30 minutes..gnawin' on her hands...babbling away.  
After everyone had enough sugar we went to meet Papa Mike for dinner.  It was such a beautiful night.  The weather was perfect!  So after dinner we strolled around Scottsdale while the boys kick-flipped off of everything in sight.
Happy 2nd Birthday you crazy little man!  Sweet little boy, you give us gray hair...but boy do we love ya!