Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tucson Day 2

Our second day in Tucson started out with a few random events.  If I don't put pants on Trevin, his diaper will be off in a matter of seconds and he will be running around with his willy hanging out for awhile before I even notice.  This happened at Papa and Ahwee's so we stole some of Ry's underwear to hang out in..
Trevin gave himself a titty twister
Ahwee clipped articles (expect those in the mail soon Aunt Cody)
Ahwee gave Trevin a birthday present bigger than his whole body
He immediately went for the big red ball (Wipeout anyone?)
Ryden did his best cited face for his new skateboard wheels
Then Trevin grabbed them and claimed them as his own
Ryden ate a chocolate dipped strawberry from the chocolate fountain at a breakfast buffet
And Trev asked for "One More"
And then tried to take cover from the scorching heat!
We went to a park in the 100 degree heat!  (Ok its was 'nice' outside according to the T-locs)
Trevin climbed up this whole thing all by himself.  When he got to the top we all cheered and I wanted to take a picture of how excited he was...
I snapped the picture right as Pa was saying "Yay!!!"  So all I got was a hairy arm...haha!

Red cheeked little boy
The big boy swing was in the sun
"Whatchu gonna do now?"
Ahwee and GGpie headed for the shade
Trev sat on my lap, put wood chips on my leg, and laughed
Papa made grumpy boy smile
See?...grumpy pants!
Pool time after sweatin'
J showed off his Olympic skills
Ry and Trev showed off their floatie skills
Goggle dude made an appearance
Trev thought it was hilarious every time he got out of the pool and he 'peed' (just pool water of course)
Ry watched Dada dive for rings
And bundle baby made an appearance
And what would a trip to Tucson be without a bowling session?
I told Jacob and Ryden to get together (so something my mom always said) and Jacob grabbed Ry and said "Cousins rule!"  I loved it..
Trev watching for his strike...
Team Ben and Ryden
Team Trevin and Jacob
Team Emma and Aunt Amy (any time any of the boys would sit in that chair she would get PO'd!)
Jacob helping Trev bowl
Trev helping Jacob do a kick flip 
Ry did the 'I didn't get a strike' shuffle
And finally...Trev did rail slides on anything he could find...