Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter

Grandma came to visit for Easter and we put her to work painting eggs.  My friend told me that shaving cream and food coloring does a good job dying the we tried that (didn't end up working so well..)
We ended up only dying six real eggs and did plastic ones for the rest...
 The next day the kids were so excited to get their Easter baskets (which the Easter bunny had left in their room).  I didn't get a picture of them opening because we were still sleeping downstairs.  But soon, it was time for the egg hunt!
 ...and they are off!  
 I think one of the neighbors lost this basketball over in our yard.  Ry thought the Easter bunny had left this and it was the highlight of the hunt!
 Trev just liked to shake the eggs.
 All the loot...
  The boys took their baskets inside to inspect what was inside all of the eggs. 
 A $20 bill!  A $20 bill! (really Easter bunny?)
And lots and lots of candy
 Dada being silly
 Givin' the dogs some love
 Then it was back outside to play with some of the Easter basket goodies...which included a small bubble blower..Trev loved this!  Best $2 the Easter bunny ever spent
 Ry watched with his 'new/old' basketball..and homeboy Ozzy
 Bubble glasses!!
 Then....he discovered that when he put his finger on the blowing fan part it made a cool toot sound.  And that was even more fun
 "nobody will throw my ball?"
 Then Dada came over and started karate chopping all of the bubbles.  The entertainment never ends...
 Happy Easter!