Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring concert and friends

 Ry had a spring concert at his preschool.  It was flippin' adorable, but I couldn't get a good picture to save my life!  He was always blocked by some tall kid or a puppet from the music teacher.  Plus, I was trying to make sure Trevin didn't fall off the table he was standing on...
 Best shot I got...where's Waldo?
 After the show..
 Ryden's friend Koa and his sister Nila came over to play after the show.  Nila fits right in with the boys.  And the three had fun while Trevin was passed out.
 When Trev finally woke up, he played skateboards rather nicely with his new homegirl Nila.
 And then they moved onto bubbles in the backyard.  
 Nila and Trev got along rather nicely as you can see.....
Whoa doggies...
 All kids love the ramps Jason bought...because they are used as slides
 We like our new friends....