Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tucson part2

Now, don't think you will be able to get through these Tucson posts without seeing pictures of my kids posed by each cactus.  For some reason, Ry did not want to go on our cactus walk this morning so Trevin did the honors of doing his best cheesy smile by each one (minus the old cactus...too pokey).
The purple cactus
 The pineapple cactus
 ...which Trev turned into a drum
 ...and the mesquite tree (which isn't a cactus of course, but it caught Trevin's attention)
 Then the cousins came back over in the afternoon and it was time to climb on the big dirt hill in the backyard
 Trev....not so interested
 But super interested in Mr. Flamingo
 And then the task of getting down.  Sliding on the behind seemed the logic way,,
 Emma has a dog that looks exactly like Molly.  But she carried Molly all around and deemed herself BFF's with that dog.
 Then it was time for my jewelry party.  Sara was so kind to host it and she did such a good job.  And of course mom got everyone together for a group shot.
 And Uncle Steve entertaining Ryden on the crazy swing.  Later, I tried to push him to which he told me "Uncle Steve pushes way crazier than you do Mama".  Burn