Friday, April 18, 2014

Tucson part5

Our very last day in Tucson was great.  We were living the camping lifestyle (although there was an In-N-Out right across the street).  The boys loved eating their breakfast at the RV table inside.  
 Molly enjoyed sitting as close to Papa and Ahwee as she could
 While we waited for out cousins to come, Ryden did some scootering and Trevin took a walk with papa.
 When the cousins arrived, we all hopped in the back of Big Red and drove to go look at some critters.  The kids had a blast riding in the back with no seat belts.  Livin' on the edge...
 This pic cracks me up...sorry Jacob
 The kids were interested in the snakes and gila monsters for a good 5 minutes.....
 Then they found a "stage" to play tag on...much more fun
Trev must really like Jacob to share his baby skateboard with him...
 We decided to check out the trail and see if we wanted to attempt a hike...
 Trev was NOT interested, so Ma & Pa took him back to the RV and Sara, Steve, and I took the other kids on a 'hike'.
 We hadn't even gone a few feet before Emma pointed out a real live gila monster...
 Sara documenting it for all her facebook peeps
 Emma and Ryden could care less....onward to the hike!
 I used to despise when my mom would make us stop for a picture back in the day.  Well who's idea do you think this photo was?  I'm my mom's daughter all right...Get together!!  Better cheddar!!
Hiking with four kids sure does involve a lot of complaining!
At least Steve got some great nature shots...
And I got some great artsy shots...ohh..tree in blurry...
 Jacob made sure that Ryden watched his step going down.  Caring cousin.
 They had benches pretty much every few feet...which our kids had to sit down at each one.  Come on kids.  Step it up!  This is a hike! Not a casual stroll through the park :)
 Steve's idea...hang from this tree like a monkey.  This was so painful on the hands!  I did this exercise as well, but proof is on Sara's camera.
Steve had to one-up everyone
 We finally made it back and Papa picked us up in Big Red again.  The kids all got a treat for making it through the horrendous nature hike (I loved every minute of it!)

Steve and I especially loved riding in the back of Big Red....woo hoo!  Roller coaster!
We got back to the campsite and relaxed for a little bit.  Then it was time to say goodbye
 I think Emma wanted to sneak Molly home with her....
Such a fun, memorable trip to Arizona...