Monday, April 14, 2014

Tucson part3

Tucson turned pretty rough for Molly when she decided to get jumping cactus EVERYWHERE.  In her paws, her chin, her nose, her tongue.  Papa spent a good 30 minutes picking each needle out while Ahwee and myself took turns holding poor Molly (and Toby sniffed her butt)
I wish I would've gotten a before picture to illustrate how bad it was, but poor girl didn't need me rushing inside to get my camera while she had whole pieces of cactus in every inch of her body.  But she survived and took it easy the rest of the day while I took the kids to the cousins house.
They LOVE it there.  So much entertainment.  Trev had a blast in Emma's room for awhile
And Ryden and Emma played so well together in the backyard
 Emma would show me every sparkly rock or bead she would find.
 And Ry dug in the dirt
 And then Trev discovered a pinwheel and was pretty content.  Oh the toys at Aunt Sara's house!
 Monkey Emma!
 I decided to treat the family and make pot roast for dinner.  The kids were more interested in Papa's dirt pile, so again, up they went.
And down they went...
 Trevin ended up being solo on the mountain...throwing rocks by his lonesome.  I had to send Ben up to help him down.
 And yes he has no pants on.  We call that 'no pants party'.
 The next day, Marcy and I took all the kiddos downtown to Ben's Bells.  It is a great cause to spread kindness.  The kids got to decorated 'coins' that are then purchased and passed out to anyone that shows kindness.  You can also make a bell that is hung around Tucson for someone to randomly find.  Read more about this wonderful organization HERE.
 Baby brother just watched
 Artsy shot
 Artsy shot...take 2
 Trevin and brother just kickin' it
 Hannah photo bomb (Marcy wasn't too thrilled)
 Butt cracks
 After...we took the kids for some ice cream and doughnuts.  
I do believe Ry had a slight crush on Hannah...
 And I do believe Trevin had a slight crush on his ice cream
Even though Marcy and I were outnumbered...we had a great time.  I ended the night watching one of my favorite movies with my dad.  I might have been born in the wrong era.  The music...the outfits back in the day.  And I loved how giddy my dad got while naming all of the old cars and songs.  One of the best memories of the trip.