Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tucson part4

Now Ryden can never go visit Ahwee without making a pear pie.  So that is just what the two of them 8 in the morning.  This time Ryden didn't even have to lick the pears or stick his finger in the sugar.  He is growing up...
Then it was time to take a ride in my old car.  My dad fixed up the '65 VW bug I used to drive all around Tucson in my hay day.  Ryden was extremely excited to ride in the back around the block without a car seat.  Whoa doggies.  Trev hopped in at the last minute also.
 I seem to always be in town in April which happens to be right around my friend Jeanne's birthday.  So we always plan a little celebration for her.  I have known Jimmy (my dads nickname for her) and my friend Cathy since kindergarten.  Roya is my high school homie so we all go WAAAY back.  It's always fun catching up with them.
 I am perfecting my selfies
Me with the birthday girl
The next day, Sara invited me to an open gymnastics place so the kids could get some energy out.  Emma doesn't look like she is doing anything but resting.
Ninja Trev
The day sort of got away from us and next thing I knew, we had to start packing up to head to our campsite for the weekend.  We were all going from room to room to car trying to get everything ready.....while Trev sat in Toby's dog bed.  Every time someone would pass him, he would say "Ahwee push?  Mama push?"  Also, notice his choice of stuff to bring in the dog bed...because who doesn't love to carry around a box of macaroni?   
We got to the campsite at Catalina State Park (only about 20 minutes from Papa and Ahwee's house) and had some watermelon.
 Then the boys and I left the campsite to go to the cousin's carnival at their school.  It was super fun!  Tattoos, bean bag toss, acapella groups (which Trevin totally dug)...

 I really think the kids enjoyed playing on the playground the best though.  Trev enjoyed putting rocks on a plate.  
 And of course....the snow cones and cotton candy were a major hit
 Snow cone CHEERS
 Trev ate more paper than snow
 Back at the campsite...Trev did some light reading before both boys were out for the night.