Friday, September 26, 2014

Flashback Friday- Cody's Wedding (Aug2008)

Cody and John got married at John's parent's Maine house in August.  I was so excited to visit Maine since I have never been before.  Man!  It didn't disappoint!  It was so beautiful!  And we had so much fun at the wedding!  But before the wedding, Cody had arranged for us all to go white water rafting.  I'm not going to lie...I was rather nervous about this adventure.  But it was soooo much fun!!
Not even in the water yet and already taking pictures.
Now we are ready for some action.. Good thing we had Tim McGraw as our guide.  
Of course, Cody was on our raft so naturally we had to pass the camera around and take pictures in sets of twos..
Cupcake and Uncle Dale
Katie and Jason
 Me and sister
 And Elyse with our guide...after he 'accidentally' made her fall in....hence her facial expression and pointing fingers
 Some of the kids jumped in the water to take a dip.  
 We stopped by this amazing rush of water...
 Jason and cupcake
Such an awesome experience that I would do again in a heartbeat...although my heart jumped out of my chest several times when there were huge rapids..
The next day, the girls went to do some wedding preparations so the guys rented a boat and cruised around the lake.
 Rehearsal dinner time!  Katie and I had gone to get a spray tan that day.  Welp...mine sorta turned me into an oompa loompa. dress matches my skin!
 Wedding day!!  So pretty....
 The Davies clan
 Pa and all the bridesmaids.  Hubba Hubba
 Ma and Pa with the only grandkids at the time.  There are five more to add to these two now...
Bob and Jody's lake house..where the reception was held
 Love me some cricket!
 And love me some dancing Ben!
 Mrs. Byrne
 Getting crazy with the nephew
The next day we decided to do some more exploring and went on a nature hike.  
We took every opportunity to take as many nature shots as we could
Katie is committing to the photo here...the rest of us..ehh?
 And one more dip in the lake before we had to leave.  This time we had a jumping contest.  Who won?
Uncle Dale?
 Oompa Loompa?
 Or Cupcake?
There are TONS of pictures from Cody's wedding.  I may have to do another post to add them all in!