Friday, September 5, 2014

Flashback Friday- Honeymoon

We went back to Playa Del Carmen for our Honeymoon.  The same place where Jason purposed.  We had such a great time exploring the Mayan Ruins again....complete with a karate kick picture.
Tons of cheesy self portraits taken by the ocean...
 And lots of walking through trees
Cancun has amazing underground caves which we explored to the fullest.  Even got to witness a ceremony to bless the caves.
 We were in the water snorkeling about 85% of the trip
 But we did make some time to pose on a swing....
 ..and of course, another karate kick pic.
 Kayaking in the choppy water.
 Now...I am not a huge fan of small spaces so this trip really tested my bravery.
 It was always amazing to see what was in these underwater caves. 
 I remember this cave trip all so well.  I thought it was going to be another underwater, open space.  I was waiting patiently for the group before us to come out so that we could go it...I believe I was about done with snorkeling for the day but Jason talked me into one more adventure.
This cave turned out to be one of the scariest moments that I can remember.  All the other caves were open and light.  This one was completely dark aside from a small, tiny flashlight the group leader was holding.  I almost passed out.  First, we are in a small enclosed cave...second, it is pitch black!  Poor Jason..I was gripping on to the group leader for dear life because he had that tiny light!  Then, the guy mentions that the cave is filled with bats and shines his light...
My heart jumped out of my skin.  I had to take deep breaths to calm myself down before I had an embarrassing panic attack in the middle of a cave.  You do not know how relived I was to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Literally...
After all that, I was up for more snorkeling the next day.  As long as I could see where I was more dark cavesfor me thank you!
 We did so much exploring on this trip
 ...and even got to see a Mayan show
 The beaches in Cancun are my favorite.  Clear, warm waves.
 Huh??  What??
 We got to hang with some of the locals as well.  What a fun time we had.